The following is an excerpt from the Microsoft Agent documentation in the Windows Platform SDK

Microsoft Agent Error Codes

Microsoft Agent returns the following error information:

Error Number Hex Value Description
-2147213311 0x80042001 The specified Microsoft Agent client was not found.
-2147213310 0x80042002 The character ID is not valid.

Verify that the ID has been defined and is spelled correctly.

-2147213309 0x80042003 The specified animation is not supported.

Verify that the animation name is correct.

-2147213308 0x80042004 No animation exists for this state.

Verify that an animation has been assigned to this state.

-2147213306 0x80042006 The command name was not found.

Verify that the command name you specified is correct.

-2147213305 0x80042007 The specified command name parameter has already been defined.
-2147213304 0x80042008 The specified Microsoft Agent client was not found.
-2147213302 0x8004200A The specified method failed because the character is hidden.
-2147213301 0x8004200B The character is already loaded.

Check for previous Load method calls.

-2147213300 0x8004200C The current character's settings do not support a word balloon.
-2147213299 0x8004200D The Voice Commands Window cannot be displayed because speech input support has not been completely defined for this character.

Verify that speech input is enabled and that there is a speech recognition engine and voice commands defined for the character.

-2147213298 0x8004200E The Get method was specified with an invalid Type parameter.

Verify that the type you specified is supported and spelled correctly.

-2147213297 0x8004200F The specified animation is not valid.

It may be damaged or has no frames.

-2147213296 0x80042010 A character cannot be moved while it is being dragged.
-2147213295 0x80042011 The specified operation failed because it requires the character to be active.
-2147213294 0x80042012 The specified language for the character is not supported on this computer.
-2147213293 0x80042013 The specified speech engine could not be found,

the speech engine does not match the specified language for the character,

or speech audio output is currently disabled.

-2147213292 0x80042014 The specified speech engine could not be found,

The speech engine does not match the specified language for the character,

or speech input is currently disabled.

-2147213291 0x80042015 The specified engine mode ID does not support the current language for the character.
-2147213290 0x80042016 The specified operation failed because spoken audio output for all characters has been disabled in the Advanced Character Options.
-2147213289 0x80042017 There are no standard characters installed on this system.
-2147213288 0x80042018 The default character and other characters cannot be loaded at the same time by a single control.
-2147213055 0x80042101 The Request object was not found.

The Request object no longer exists in the character's animation queue.

-2147213054 0x80042102 The specified Request object is not valid.
-2147213053 0x80042103 The Stop method was used incorrectly.

A character cannot use the Stop method to interrupt another character.

Try the Interrupt method.

-2147213052 0x80042104 The Interrupt method was used incorrectly.

A character cannot interrupt itself.

-2147213051 0x80042105 A character cannot wait on its own requests.
-2147213050 0x80042106 The specified bookmark is invalid.

Make sure the bookmark specified is not reserved by Microsoft Agent.

-2147213048 0x80042108 The specified Request object was removed from the character queue.
-2147213046 0x8004210A The operation was interrupted because the Listening key was pressed.
-2147213045 0x8004210B The operation was interrupted because of spoken input.
-2147213044 0x8004210C The operation was interrupted by the application.
-2147213043 0x8004210D The operation was interrupted because the character was hidden.
-2147213042 0x8004210E The Lst speech tag cannot be used with additional text or a URL.
-2147212799 0x80042201 The Microsoft Agent Data Provider was not able to start.
-2147212798 0x80042202 The specified character data file version is not supported by the installed version of Microsoft Agent.

You need to update the character.

-2147212797 0x80042203 The version of Microsoft Agent installed is older than the specified character file.

Verify that you have the correct version of Microsoft Agent installed.

-2147212796 0x80042204 The specified file is not a Microsoft Agent character file.

Verify the file name is correct.

-2147212795 0x80042205 The character ID is not valid.

Verify that the ID has been correctly defined and is spelled correctly.

-2147212794 0x80042206 The specified file is not a valid sound (.WAV) file.
-2147212793 0x80042207 The specified sound file is not valid or does not include the correct data.
-2147212792 0x80042208 There was a problem in accessing the system's multimedia component.
-2147212791 0x80042209 Microsoft Agent does not support the specified URL protocol.
-2147212543 0x80042301 The audio device cannot be accessed.

Verify that the sound card and drivers are correctly installed.

-2147212542 0x80042302 Microsoft Agent could not find any compatible speech recognition engines.
-2147212540 0x80042304 There is a problem in the specified Commands object definition.
-2147212539 0x80042305 The text for the Voice property of a command is either missing a right parenthesis or includes a misplaced left parenthesis.
-2147212538 0x80042306 The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a right square bracket or includes a misplaced left square bracket.
-2147212537 0x80042307 The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a left parenthesis, includes a misplaced right parenthesis, or has no text between parentheses.
-2147212536 0x80042308 The text for the Voice property of a command is missing a left square bracket, includes a misplaced right square bracket, or has no text between square brackets.
-2147212535 0x80042309 The text for the Voice property of a command is missing surrounding parentheses or square brackets for specifying alternative text.
-2147212534 0x8004230A There was a problem in accessing the speech recognition mode.

Verify that the speech engine is correctly installed.

-2147212287 0x80042401 The audio device cannot be accessed.

Verify that the sound card and drivers are correctly installed.

-2147212286 0x80042402 The text-to-speech (TTS) engine cannot be started.
-2147212285 0x80042403 The text-to-speech (TTS) engine cannot be started.
-2147212284 0x80042404 The text-to-speech (TTS) engine cannot be started.
-2147212283 0x80042405 The text-to-speech (TTS) engine cannot be started.
-2147212282 0x80042406 The Microsoft Agent lip sync component failed.
-2147212281 0x80042407 The Microsoft Agent lip sync component failed.
-2147212280 0x80042408 The Microsoft Agent lip sync component failed.
-2147212030 0x80042502 Microsoft Agent was unable to start.

Verify that Microsoft Agent is properly installed.

-2147024894 0x80070002 The system cannot find the file specified.*
-2147024883 0x8007000D The data is invalid.*
-2147023436 0x800705B4 This operation returned because the timeout period expired. *
-2146697214 0x800C0002 Invalid URL.*

Please verify that the specified URL exists and is correct.

-2146697212 0x800C0004 Server access failure.*

The attempt to connect with the server failed.

Please verify that the server is running and available.

-2146697210 0x800C0006 File not found.*

The file could not be found at the specified URL.

Please make sure the URL is correct.

-2146697205 0x800C000B Server connection time-out.*

The connection to the server timed out.

Please verify that the server is running and available.

-2146697202 0x800C000E Server security access failure.*

There was a security problem when accessing the server.

* Errors whose descriptions include an asterisk are Windows system errors. They are provided here because they may commonly occur in Agent-enabled applications. For information on other errors not included here, see the Platform SDK documentation.